Volkswagen Website Redesign (

Find A Dealer Volskwagen Website Redesign
Deutsch LA
About This Project

The Volkswagen website redesign was perhaps one of the most intricate website ever built, it incorporates a number of features that seamlessly integrate in the UX.

The project dubbed VW 3.0 was a massive undertaking. Perhaps the largest by any ad agency to date. The site’s intention is to simplify the buying experience and allow users to find a car thats right for them. Find A Match which is the core of the website allows users to select features independently and see (in real-time) as the number of real cars in their area are narrowed down to the perfect few.


Other features include a constant slide out side navigation that plays towards the original tablet first mentality. This proved to be a wise choice considering iPad website traffic has been consistently climbing over the last few years, so much so that it is now the second most used browser for some large traffic sites, and more importantly automobile manufacturer sites.


